Questions for Scrum Master


#1. A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum to a new Development Team. The Development Team gas decided that a Sprint Retrospective is unnecessary. What action should the Scrum Master take?

#2. Which three of the following are time-boxed events in Scrum? (Choose three.)

#3. Which of the following are true about the Product Owner role? (Choose two.)

#4. Who is responsible for engaging the stakeholders?

#5. Which best describes the Product Backlog?

#6. Which statement best describes Scrum?

#7. The Development Team should have all the skills needed to:

#8. Which of the following might the Scrum Team discuss during a Sprint Retrospective?

#9. A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Development Team members and creating the hostile environment. If necessary, who is responsible for removing the team member?

#10. What is the purpose of a Sprint Review?

#11. What is included in the Sprint Backlog?

#12. Which two of the following are true about the Scrum Master role? (Choose two.)

#13. Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as outcome of the Sprint Planning?

#14. Which of the following are roles on a Scrum Team? (Choose all that apply.)

#15. Which Scrum Values are exhibited by not building Product Backlog items that have low business value? (Choose three.)

#16. What two techniques could the Scrum Master use when the Scrum Team gets caught in an internal disagreement about which development techniques to apply? (Choose two.)

#17. Which answer best describes the topics covered in Sprint Planning?

#18. Which of the following services are appropriate for a Scrum Master in regard to the Daily Scrum?

#19. The Scrum Master observes the Product Owner struggling with ordering the Product Backlog. What is an appropriate action for the Scrum Master to take?

#20. What are three ways Scrum promotes self-organization? (Choose three.)

#21. Sprint burndown charts are an efficient tracking tool, because they show:

#22. Which statement best describes a Product Owner’s responsibility?

#23. Who is responsible for tracking the remaining work of the Sprint?

#24. What it the main reason for the Scrum Master to be at the Daily Scrum?

#25. Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same project must have the same Sprint start date.

#26. Which technique is the best way the Scrum Master can ensure that the Development Team communicates effectively with the Product Owner?

#27. Who should make sure everyone on the Development Team does his or her tasks for the Sprint?

#28. Which of the following are true about the length of the Sprint? (Choose two.)

#29. During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Product Owner responsible?

#30. Which three of the following are feedback loops in Scrum? (Choose three.)

#31. A Sprint Retrospective should be held:

#32. The Sprint Review is mainly an inspect and adapt opportunity for which group?

#33. You are the Scrum Master on a newly formed Scrum Team. Which three of the following activities would probably help the team in starting up? (Choose three.)

#34. If two Scrum Teams are added to the development of a product that previously had only one Scrum Team, what will be the immediate impact on the productivity of the original Scrum Team?

#35. When is it most appropriate for a Development Team to change the definition of “Done”?

#36. User documentation is part of your definition of “Done”. However, there aren't enough technical writers for all teams. Your Development Team doesn't have a technical writer. What should you do?

#37. Who determines when it is appropriate to update the Sprint Backlog during a Sprint?

#38. The Product Backlog is ordered by:

#39. Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review?

#40. During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Scrum Master responsible?

#41. Five new Scrum Teams have been created to build one product. A few of the developers on one of the Development Teams ask the Scrum Master how to coordinate their work with the order teams. What should the Scrum Master do?

#42. Why should the Product Owner be present at the Daily Scrum?

#43. A product Increment must be released to production at the end of each Sprint.

#44. What enhances the transparency of an increment?

#45. What is the best suited structure for Development Teams in order to produce integrated Increments?

#46. What is the recommended size for a Development Team?

#47. What does it mean for a Development Team to be cross-functional?

#48. When many Scrum Teams are working on the same product, should all of their increments be integrated every Sprint?

#49. Which outcome is expected as Scrum Teams mature?

#50. Which Scrum Value is affected by a lack of trust in the Scrum Team?

#51. Who creates a Product Backlog Item’s estimate?

#52. When do Development Team members take ownership of a Sprint Backlog item?

#53. When is the Sprint Backlog created?

#54. What is the tactic a Scrum Master should use to divide a group of 100 people into multiple Development Teams?

#55. Choose two responsibilities of a self-organizing Development Team. (Choose two.)

#56. A Development Team asks their Product Owner to re-order the Product Backlog. The team is waiting for an external supplier to deliver a specific software component. Without that component there won’t be enough work in the next Sprint to occupy the full team. The Product Owner asks the Scrum Master for help. What would be good advice to give the Product Owner?

#57. Which three purposes does the definition of “Done” serve? (Choose three.)

#58. You have just been hired by a company new to Scrum. Your management has assigned you to be the Scrum Master of six new Scrum Teams. These teams will build one product. Select two conditions you should strive for in this scenario. (Choose two.)

#59. What is the key concern when multiple Development Teams are working from the same Product Backlog?

#60. How is management external to the Scrum Team involved in the Daily Scrum?

#61. Who creates the definition of “Done”?

#62. For which is the Scrum Master responsible?

#63. When might a Sprint be abnormally cancelled?

#64. A Scrum Master is essentially the same thing as a traditional PM (Project Manager).

#65. At the end of a Sprint Product Backlog item worked on during the Sprint does not meet the definition of “Done”. What two things should happen with the undone Product Backlog item? (Choose two.)

#66. You are the Scrum Master of a new, to be developed product. Development is going to require 45 people. What is a good first question for you to suggest the group thinks about when forming into teams?

#67. When can a Development Team cancel a Sprint?

#68. How much time is required after a Sprint to prepare for the next Sprint?

#69. If burndown charts are used to visualize progress, what does a trend line through a release burndown chart indicate?

#70. What happens if the Development Team cannot complete its work by the end of the Sprint?

#71. Which of the following is required by Scrum? (Choose all that apply.)

#72. What activities would a Product Owner typically undertake in the phase between the end of the current Sprint and the start of the next Sprint?

#73. What are two good ways for the Development Team to make non-functional requirements visible? (Choose two.)

#74. You are the Scrum Master for four Scrum Teams working from the same Product Backlog. Several of the developers come to you complaining that work identified for the upcoming two Sprints will require full-time commitment from a technical specialist who is external to the teams. What are two key concerns for the Scrum Master to take into account in this situation? (Choose two.)

#75. Every Scrum team must have a Product Owner and Scrum Master.

#76. During a Sprint Retrospective, the Development Team proposes moving the Daily Scrum to only occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Which two are the most appropriate responses for the Scrum Master? (Choose two.)

#77. For the purpose of transparency, when does Scrum say a new increment of working software must be available?

#78. The time-box for a Daily Scrum?

#79. To get started in terms of what to build, Scrum requires no more than a Product Owner with enough ideas for a first Sprint, a Development Team to implement those ideas and a Scrum Master to help guide the process.

#80. What are two responsibilities of testers in a Development Team? (Choose two.)

#81. A Scrum Master is keeping a list of open impediments, but it is growing and he/she has been able to resolve only a small portion of the impediments. Which three techniques would be most helpful in this situation? (Choose three.)

#82. Which of the following best describes an increment of working software?

#83. Who can abnormally terminate a Sprint?

#84. Which of these may a Development Team deliver at the end of a Sprint?

#85. Scrum is a methodology that tells in detail how to build software incrementally.

#86. The Sprint Goal is a result of Sprint Planning, as is the Sprint Backlog.

#87. Who is on the Scrum Team? (Choose all that apply.)

#88. When a Development Team is having trouble delivering a working Increment because they don’t understand a functional requirement, what should they do?

#89. Marian is the Product Owner envisioning a project for a new release of her product. She made a projection of a release date based upon a sustained velocity of 17 completed units of work per Sprint. Over the first 3 Sprints, the average velocity was 13 for work that the Development Team estimated as 90% done. The Development Teams, feeling the need to meet the plan, figured that a velocity of 17 was within their reach. A good way to continue is:

#90. Currently, your Development Teams are organized to address a single layer only (for example, front end, middle tier, back end, and interfaces). What are three things to consider when deciding to move away from such component teams toward feature teams? (Choose three.)

#91. What are the two primary ways a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its highest level of productivity? (Choose two.)

#92. Who determines how work is performed during the Sprint?

#93. You have six teams using a traditional method to deliver a product. Your management has asked you to start using Scrum. In the initial project there were separate plans and teams for the layers of a software system, i.e. one for the front-end, one for the middle tier, one for the back-end, and one for the interfaces and services. This resembles what is known as component teams. But you have read that it’s a good idea to have teams organized by feature. What are the advantages of keeping component teams while starting Scrum?

#94. During a Sprint, when is new work or further decomposition of work added to the Sprint Backlog?
